Infusion Therapy
Infusion Therapy is an alternative form of treatment when typical oral antibiotics aren't working effectively due to the severity of the patient's condition. Drugs are administered through a needle or catheter to treat a number of infectious diseases, as well as other conditions, including:
- Bacterial infections
- Bacterial skin infections
- Dehydration
- Heart valve/Endocarditis
- Fungal infections
- Gastrointestinal infections
- Infections of wounds
- Lyme Disease
- Meningitis
- Post-operative infections
- Sinus infections
- Urinary Tract Infection
Infusion therapy is best if provided in a controlled environment. Our experienced team will work with you individually to create a personalized care plan that will include infusion antibiotic therapy, lab work and any needed wound care. Our state-of-the-art facility provides a comfortable environment for you to receive your treatment and you can rest assured that our skilled team and healthcare providers will provide you with the highest care possible.
How it Works
Antibiotic therapy is administered intravenously through a needle or catheter, usually located in the arm. In addition to preparing and administering your antibiotics, we will maintain your venous access device, draw any necessary lab tests, replenish your medications, provide any necessary wound care and evaluate your progress.
Our healthcare provider will also see you regularly to monitor your progress and any adverse side effects that you may experience. We will work in conjunction with your primary care physician as well to ensure you are receiving the informed, high standard of care you deserve from all parties involved.
In some instances, it may even be possible for some patients to receive IV infusion therapy in their own home. In this instance, you the patient, a family member or home health nurse will help administer the infusions at home. We will discuss with you whether or not our in-office infusion therapy or at-home treatments will be most effective in your individual case.